Гимн Омана

Национа́льный гимн Султана́та Ома́н (نشيد وطني عماني) принят в 1970 году, исправлен 6 ноября 1996 года.

Текст гимна

Транскрипция МФАПеревод на английскийАрабский текст
ja: rabbana: aḥfað̣̣ lana: ʤala:lat as-sulṭa:nwa ʃ-ʃaˁba fi: l-ˀawṭa:nbi-l-ˁizi wa l-ˀajma:n.wa l-jadum muˀajadda:,ˁa:hilan mumaʤtada:bi-n-nufu:si juftada:.ja: ˁuma:n, naḥnu min ˁahd an-nabi:ˀawfiya:ˀ min kira:m al-ˁarabi:.abʃiri: qabu:s ʤa:ˀafa-ltubara:khu s-sama:ˀ.wa asˁidi: wa t-tuqi:hi bi-d-duˁa:ˀ.O Lord, protect for us our Majesty the SultanAnd the people in our land,With honour and peace.May he live long, strong and supported,Glorified be his leadership.For him we shall lay down our lives.May he live long, strong and supported,Glorified be his leadership.For him we shall lay down our lives.O Oman, since the time of the ProphetWe are a dedicated people amongst the noblest Arabs.Be happy! Qaboos has comeWith the blessing of Heaven.Be cheerful and commend him to the protection of our prayers.

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